Submission Guideline

Important Dates

lAbstract Submission Deadline: August 3 (Sun.), 2025

l Notification of abstract acceptance: August 18 (Mon.), 2025

l E-poster and Recording Audio Uploaded Deadline: September 5 (Fri.), 2025

If you would like to withdraw your abstract(s) which have been already submitted, please contact the Secretariat of Taiwan Breast Cancer Society by email (


【Abstract Submission】

01-Abstract Submission Process

  1. Step 1: Sign up and log in.
  2. Step 2: Before submitting, please complete Online registration. (Click [Registration] -> [Online registration]).  [國內與會者請至乳房醫學會官網下載報名表,並依報名表上的指示完成報名。]
    Please note that your abstract(s) will be withdrawn if the registration is not completed.
  3. Step 3: Click [Abstract] -> [Online submission] on the website. Fill out the required information and submit your abstract via the online system.
  4. Step 4: Check your email for the submission confirmation.


02-Abstract format

Online only (via official website). No email, mail, or fax.

lThe abstracts should follow the formats listed below:

Title: Tahoma, 14pt; capitalize only the first word, proper nouns, and acronyms; no abbreviations.

Body: Purpose, Methods, Results, Conclusion. Tahoma, 11pt; 18pt line spacing; 1.5 cm margins; no figures, tables, references, or keywords.

Max 30 authors; list hospital before university affiliations.

If an author is affiliated with hospital as well as university, please enter the name of the hospital for which he/she works.

03-Submission instructions

l   The presenter must be the first author. Only one presenter is allowed per abstract.

l   Each section of the online submission form must be completed.

l   The title of the abstract should reflect significant content, no results/conclusions.

l   Commercial names can only be used in the body of the abstract with the ® symbol.

l   Abbreviations may be used in the title and text if defined.

l   The authors must choose the awards that they would like to apply for. However, the decision of TIBCS 2025 Committee would be final.

04-Conflicts of interest

All authors must disclose any potential conflicts of interest when submitting the abstract. The presenting author is responsible for obtaining this information from all co-authors.

05.  Notification of acceptance

l   Abstract acceptance will be notified by email.

l   All submitted abstracts will be reviewed by the Organizing Committee according to standard review procedures.

l   The decision of the Organizing Committee on abstract acceptance is final.

06.  Abstract modification or withdrawal

l   Please note that the abstract(s) will be withdrawn if the author’s registration is not completed.

l   You can modify your submitted abstract online before the deadline.

l   If you would like to revise the accepted abstract, please contact the Secretariat of TIBCS 2025 by email ( within 36 hours after the notification of abstract acceptance.

07.  Other submission regulations

l   By submitting an abstract intended to be presented at TIBCS 2024, the first author warrants that the materials has neither been nor will be published in any publication in peer preview setting or presented at a meeting.

l   No prior publication/presentation; encore abstracts need new data.

l   Abstracts submitted after the deadline or violating the regulations will be rejected and returned by TIBCS 2024 Organizing Committee.

l   With the submission of the abstract, the first author representing him/herself and all co-authors to undertakes to:

n   Release full copyright to TIBCS 2024, and give full permission for the abstract, if accepted, to be presented in print and/or electronic format.

n   Warrant that he/she is an investigator with a substantial involvement in the study presented in the abstract.

n   Take responsibility for the accuracy and confidential of the submitted the abstract.

n  Ensure that all the authors are acknowledge of, and agree to, the content of the abstract and support the data therein.

n   Be the contact person for all correspondence concerning the abstract and to keep co-authors informed about its status.  

TBCS reserves the right to amend the program of the rules and regulations. Should there be disputes, TBCS reserves the right to the final decision.


E-Poster Submission [Not available until Aug.18, 2025]

For accepted abstracts, the first author must submit an e-poster along with a recording file via the TIBCS 2025 official website. Printed posters will not be accepted. The e-poster and recording file will be displayed on the TIBCS official website.

  • Important Note:
    Abstracts selected for oral presentation are also required to submit an e-poster and recording file.
  • Deadline for E-Poster Submission: 23:59, Sep. 5 (Fri.), 2025
  • Submission Process:
    1. Log in to the TIBCS 2025 official website to submit your e-poster and recording file.
    2. (Click [here] to download and review the instructions for uploading the e-poster and recording.)
  • E-Poster Requirements:
    1. All e-posters must be written in English.
    2. The topic and the first author must match those of the accepted abstract.
    3. Use the provided [E-Poster Template] to prepare your e-poster. Export it as a JPG or PNG file for upload.
    4. The e-poster file must meet the following format requirements:
      • Orientation: Portrait
      • Dimensions: Width 1920 pixels or less
      • File Size: Preferably below 5 MB
      • Naming Convention: [Abstract number]_[First Author’s Name]
        001-Da-Ming Lee
  • Recording File Requirements:
    1. Language: English
    2. Duration: Within 5 minutes
    3. File Format: MP3 or M4A
    4. Name the file as specified in the instructions.